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Douglas County Museum of History and Art  

Almost set for demolition to make as Douglas County Courthouse structure in 1958 once its offices were set to move to a new location. As per the Douglas County Tourism and History Commission set to rescue the Old Courthouse to be the perfect place to use as a museum. The museum was successfully constructed and now houses lots of collections of local artifacts and art of Douglasville.

The Douglas Country Museum of Douglasville, Georgia is a museum that accepts reservation for upcoming events. Admission in the Museum is free of charge however donations are highly appreciated.

About the Douglas Museum

Douglasville, Georgia is deep and rich from history and art. Pioneering days of their innovative present, there is a fa great and fascinating story behind that the museum would like to tell. As the county preserves the items and vital information that defines the local history, their creation that have existed throughout the years through the generosity of the wonderful artists and collectors that donated some local artifacts and memorabilia to keep the tails of the country alive and existing.

The Museum is the perfect place for a wonderful outdoor venue to bond and introduce the visitors to the area and rich history of Douglasville.

Exhibits and Collections 

The Museum offers a variety of permanent and also cater special exhibits and collections to provide a thorough look and experience the life of Douglas County from its evolving years. If you were to visit the Museum, you will see interesting displays which gives a much broader experience of the county’s story from its earlier settler times to the birth of the county in 1870 to which its emergence as a modern and active community. EZ Douglasville Junk Removal

Permanent Exhibitions includes

  • The county’s agricultural past
  • Pioneer life
  • Medical history
  • Its ties to Coca-Cola origin


The Museum’s collection came from the never-ending support of the community in reaching out to the people to help them engage with the roots of the County. Donations of items related to Douglas County history is the foundation of the rich and varied collection of the museum. Donations of artifacts for permanent displays that they preserve and grow contributes to the curiosity of the future generations.

Generosity and sharing by the beautiful community have made the museum what it is today.

The Douglas County Museum is open from Tuesday – Fridays from 10 am – 5 pm and Saturdays 10 am – 3 pm


Address: 12431 Veterans Memorial Hwy, Douglasville, GA

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