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Piano Removal

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A piano is a truly unique item to have in the home. It isn’t an item that just plays music, but it’s an item that represents music itself. No other instrument in the world can offer such a diverse range of playing options. With a piano, you can play everything from jazz pieces to classical compositions. Simply put, you’ll never get tired of it. The only problem is these aren’t just investments. They’re basically small extensions of the home. Small piece of furniture if you will. And just like all furniture pieces, these pianos will eventually need to be replaced. Unfortunately, this is not a process that as enjoyable as playing the piece itself. This is unless, of course, you hire us to handle the removal of the old piano for you.

How To Get Rid Of Your Old Piano

A damaged grand piano lies toppled on its side in front of a classical European building in this black and white photograph.

If you’ve done any research into removing your old piano, you likely already know there are a variety of options available to you. However, there are none as convenient and easy as what we are offering. Our highly professional and uniformed pros take the time to ensure that your old piano is properly removed from your property without incident. We make sure the piano goes to the best-intended places, where you’ll never have to lose another night’s sleep over it. Our diverse teams of experts are highly skilled and experienced and whatever the job requires, we’ll know exactly how to accomplish it.

Donating Your Old Piano

Just because your old piano is no longer of any use to you, it doesn’t necessarily mean that someone else can’t enjoy it. Maybe it is just a simple repair that it needs. Maybe there is nothing wrong with it all, as you are just upgrading to a new, more advanced model. Whatever the situation, we are in the position to make  that piano goes to the right place. If there is a family or center out there that can benefit from the use of your old piano, we’ll make sure it gets to them. We are in constant contact with musical facilities, recycling centers, and donation firms, working with them daily.

Recycling Your Old Piano

Unfortunately, it is possible that your old piano might be beyond donating. Maybe there is something majorly wrong with it or it has become unsightly. These things do occur over time, but that doesn’t mean your piano still can’t be of use. Maybe someone can get something out of the ivory key. Perhaps the metal pedal can be repurposed. If there are parts and pieces on the piano that can be utilized or recycled, you best believe that we’ll make sure they get put in the right hands.

Why Let Us Handle Your Piano Removal

Piano removal with us is a win-win. Even if you choose to remove the piece from the property yourself, there is still the matter of getting it to the landfill or dump. Then there is the additional fee that the landfill or dump will charge for disposal. With us, you simply pay an upfront one-time fee, and we handle everything from the disassembling of the piece to the loading and hauling away. We truly want to make the project as easy as possible for you and that’s just what we believe we’ve done.

If you have any other junk removal service please check out other services.

Our Service Areas

Zip Code We Service

39901, 31199, 31198, 31197, 31196, 31195, 31193, 31192, 31191, 31156, 31150, 31146, 31145, 31141, 31139, 31132, 31131, 31126, 31119, 31107, 31106, 30399, 30398, 30396, 30394, 30392, 30390, 30389, 30388, 30387, 30386, 30385, 30384, 30380, 30379, 30378, 30377, 30376, 30375, 30374, 30371, 30370, 30369, 30368, 30366, 30364, 30363, 30362, 30361, 30360, 30359, 30358, 30357, 30356, 30355, 30354, 30353, 30350, 30349, 30348, 30347, 30346, 30345, 30344, 30343, 30342, 30341, 30340, 30339, 30338, 30337, 30336, 30334, 30333, 30332, 30331, 30330, 30329, 30328, 30327, 30326, 30325, 30324, 30322, 30321, 30320, 30319, 30318, 30317, 30316, 30315, 30314, 30313, 30312, 30311, 30310, 30309, 30308, 30307, 30306, 30305, 30304, 30303, 30302, 30301, 30298, 30297, 30296, 30294, 30291, 30290, 30288, 30287, 30284, 30277, 30275, 30274, 30273, 30272, 30271, 30270, 30269, 30268, 30265, 30264, 30263, 30260, 30250, 30238, 30237, 30236, 30232, 30228, 30215, 30214, 30213, 30189, 30188, 30187, 30185, 30182, 30180, 30179, 30178, 30173, 30170, 30168, 30157, 30160, 30156, 30154, 30153, 30152, 30150, 30147, 30146, 30144, 30142, 30141, 30140, 30137, 30135, 30134, 30133, 30132, 30127, 30126, 30125, 30123, 30122, 30121, 30120, 30119, 30118, 30117, 30116, 30115, 30113, 30112, 30111, 30110, 30109, 30108, 30106, 30104, 30102, 30101, 30092, 30090, 30082, 30081, 30080, 30079, 30077, 30076, 30075, 30069, 30068, 30067, 30065, 30066, 30064, 30063, 30062, 30061, 30060, 30037, 30036, 30034, 30033, 30032, 30031, 30030, 30023, 30022, 30021, 30009, 30008, 30007, 30006, 30004, 30002.

We Accept:
Piano being carried down the stairs